Catrine Bodum ist Malerin und arbeitet grossflächig und abstrakt. Als Ausgangspunkt ihrer Arbeiten dienen ihr oft Musikstücke (Minimal Music). Bewegung, Raum, Zeit und Rhythmus sind zentrale Themen. Die Bilder haben eine starke, physische Präsenz. Dies ist wohl auch auf ihre Vorgeschichte als Tänzerin zurückzuführen. Überreste und Spuren. Die Künstlerin beschreibt ihre Arbeit folgnedermassen: Ein Ort der übrigbleibt, wenn vergangene Handlungen neue Handlungen und Spuren von etwas Geschehenem das Auge dahin führen, was danach passiert ist.
Catrine Bodum is a painter and works mainly large scale and abstract. Music (usually repetitive or minimal) often serves as a starting point for her work. Movement, space, time and rhythm are central themes. The images have a strong, physical presence. This is probably due to her background as a dancer. Remains and traces, the artist describes her work as such: A place where past actions affect new actions and traces of something happened is left to lead the eye up to what happened after.
Catrine Bodum
Born 1983 Luzern, Switzerland
Work/Live: Switzerland and London
2008-2009 MA Fine Art, Awarded Distinction, Byam Shaw School of Art, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK
2004-2007 BFA Fine Art, Parsons School of Design, New York, NY
Selected Exhibitions
2011 Catrine Bodum, Sammlung Galerie S/Z, Uerikon, Switzerland, 21.05.-25.06.2011
2010 Through the Back Door, International Group Exhibition, Kunstraum Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 16.11.-30.12.2010.
2010 Catrine Bodum, From London to Lucerne, Traces and Recidue, Layers and Movement. June 4.6, 2010, Heiliggeist Kappelle, Luzern, Switzerland.
2010 Changing The World Through Art, Haunch of Venison + HiArt!, Auction and Gala, NYC, February 1, 2010. Donation made.
2009 17 Ingredients: Measures of Autonomy, Studio One, London, UK, October 1-4, 2009, Curated by Shama Khanna and Blanche Craig
2009 Byam Shaw MA Fine Arts Show, Byam Shaw School of Art, London, UK, September 14-19, 2009
2009 ‘Satire v Seriousness, round 1’, The Lloyd Gill Gallery, UK, Feb.28-March 27, 2009
2007 “MINE”, Parsons BFA Show, MC Gallery NYC, May 9-19, 2007
2006 “Generations 5”, A.I.R Gallery, NYC, March 9-April 1, 2006
Public Projects
2006 Studio in the park, Riverside Park Fund, installation and production support for Elana Herzog, NYC, NY
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